Dr. Agnes Ayres is a Maxillofacial Surgeon in New York, NY. Dr. Ayres has m
Dr. Agnes Ayres is a Maxillofacial Surgeon in New York, NY. Dr. Ayres has m
Dr. Agnes Ayres is a Maxillofacial Surgeon in New York, NY. Dr. Ayres has more experience with Congenital Cardiac Disorders and Cardiac Care than other specialists in his area. He is affiliated with medical facilities such as Mount Sinai Morningside and Roosevelt Hospital. He is accepting new patients. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Pinney to book an appointment.
Dr. Agnes Ayres is a Maxillofacial Surgeon in New York, NY. Dr. Ayres has more experience with Congenital Cardiac Disorders and Cardiac Care than other specialists in his area. He is affiliated with medical facilities such as Mount Sinai Morningside and Roosevelt Hospital. He is accepting new patients. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Pinney to book an appointment.
He is a very capable and learned oncologist. My own involvement in him was awesome and I would strongly prescribe him to every one individuals battling from cancer.I was suffering from cancer and had no expectations that I might at any p